Download a document attached to an order

How to download a document from an order or line

You can download documents using two methods:

  1. If the webhook order or line document contains an objectId: Download the buyer's document from the Tradecloud object-storage using the objectId and downloadUrl

  2. If the webhook order or line document contains an url: Download the document from the buyer's content server.

If both objectId and url are missing in the document, no file is available for download.

Method 1. Download the document from the Tradecloud object-storage

Step 1. Retrieve the objectId from the document

Please check the documents fields in order and lines in:

"documents": [
    "code": "123456789",
    "revision": "B",
    "name": "Tradecloud API Manual",
    "objectId": "67aa8ece-5d41-496f-a94c-483e360b833b",
    "type": "General",
    "description": "General document"

In this example the objectId is:


Step. 2. Retrieve the downloadUrl from the object storage

Apply the objectId in the GET document metadata endpoint to retrieve the downloadUrl from the object storage.

Step 3. Download the document using the downloadUrl

Just GET the downloadUrl

This Amazon AWS S3 presigned url will expire within 1 minute.

Method 2. Download the document from the supplier content server

Step 1. Retrieve the url from the document

Please check the documents fields in order and lines in:

"documents": [
    "code": "123456789",
    "revision": "B",
    "name": "Tradecloud API Manual",
    "url": "",
    "type": "General",
    "description": "General document"

In this example the url is:

Step 2. Download the document using the url

Just GET the url

Last updated