
How to use JSON Web Tokens

The api-connector, object-storage/document, order-search/poll and shipment/poll integration API's support two means of authentication:

  • Using "Basic" HTTP authentication scheme (RFC 7617) upon every HTTP request.

  • Using "Basic" HTTP authentication scheme (RFC 7617) to obtain a JSON Web Token (RFC 7519). The JWT is used for authentication for all following requests.

Only an integration user is authorised to access the integration API's.

Please contact to assign the integration role to your integration user.

Basic Authentication upon every request

You can use the Basic HTTP Authentication scheme to authenticate upon every request.

Pro: this is a simple authentication method, supported by all integrations


  • The response time is long, average 1 second, up to 3 seconds.

  • It is only supported by api-connector, object-storage/document and order-search/search API's, not by other service API's.

Use Basic Authentication upon every request only when:

  • You send one order or response occasionally; less then 1 per minute.

  • And you do not need to integrate with other API's, like the user and company API's

  • Or when your integration system does not support JSON Web Tokens (RFC 7519)

How to Authenticate

You can authenticate using a Basic Authorization HTTP header with a base 64 encoded email and password:

// Example request method and URI
// Request headers:
Authorization: Basic <<Email>:<Password> base64 encoded>

When correctly authenticated, your request will be processed and if all is well, the response will have HTTP status code 200 OK

When NOT correctly authenticated, the response will return HTTP status code 401 Unauthorized

In case of some server issue, including the upstream authentication service being unreachable, the response will return HTTP status code 500 Internal Server Error

Basic Authentication with JSON Web Tokens

  1. Use the Basic HTTP Authentication scheme to authenticate against the authentication service.

  2. Use the returned JWT to authorize against the Tradecloud api-connector and other service API's for all subsequent requests.


  • Faster response time (except for the initial authentication), average 200ms

  • It is supported by all connector and service API's

Con: this is a more complex authentication and authorization method

Use JSON Web Tokens when:

  • You send batches of orders or responses; more then 1 per minute

  • Or when you need additional API's, like the user and company API's


You can log in using a Basic Authorization HTTP header with a base 64 encoded email and password:

// Request method and URI
// Request headers:
Authorization: Basic <<Email>:<Password> base64 encoded>

When correctly authenticated, the response will return HTTP status code 200 OK and contain access and refresh tokens:

// Response code:
// Response headers:
Set-Authorization: <Access-Token>
Set-Refresh-Token: <Refresh-Token>

When NOT correctly authenticated, the response will return HTTP status code 401 Unauthorized


Use a Bearer Authorization HTTP header with the access token in each request:

// Example request method and URI
// Request headers:
Authorization: Bearer <Access-Token>

When correctly authenticated, your request will be processed and if all is well, the response will have HTTP status code 200 OK

Refreshing the token

An access token will expire after 10 minutes and a refresh token after 24 hours. When your access token has expired you have to use the refresh token. If your refresh token expires you have to log in again.

You can refresh your access token by placing an HTTP request to /authentication/refresh, using only the Refresh-Token header. Do NOT use the Authorization header.

// Example request method and URI
// Request headers:
Refresh-Token: <Refresh-Token>

When the refresh token is valid, the API will return HTTP status code 200 OK and containing a new access token and a new refresh token. Otherwise, the API will return HTTP status code 401 Unauthorized

// Response code:
// Response headers:
Set-Authorization: <Access-Token>
Set-Refresh-Token: <Refresh-Token>

The refresh token cannot be used once it is expired or a new refresh token is generated.

Log out

Log out will invalidate the refresh token immediately. The access token will expire after 10 minutes.

You can invalidate your refresh token by placing an HTTP request to /authentication/logout, using only the Refresh-Token header. Do NOT use the Authorization header.

// Example request method and URI
// Request headers:
Refresh-Token: <Refresh-Token>
// no body

Last updated