
Backward and forward compatibility responsibilities

Backward compatibility

Tradecloud promises and is responsible that the API and web hook request are backwards compatible.

The API and web hook request are compatible with previous versions of itself, which means:

  • Fields will not be removed, renamed or become mandatory

  • Values will not be removed, renamed or become mandatory

Forward compatibility

The Tradecloud customer is responsible that the API client and web hook service is forward compatible.

The API client and web hook service are compatible with future versions of itself, which means:

  • Fields can be added in the future

  • Values can be added in the future

  • Events can be added to the web hook in the future

In practice:

  • The API client should only expect fields in the response body it is actually using.

  • The web hook service should only expect fields in the request body it is actually using.

  • fields order may change for both JSON and XML formats.

Last updated