Issue a new Slimstock forecast

How to issue a forecast as a buyer using Slimstock

Forecast process

As buyer you can send a new forecast from Slimstock to Tradecloud.


Use the Send Slimstock forecast endpoint to send a Slimstock forecast to Tradecloud.

  • companyId: the optional Tradecloud company identifier. You only have to provide a companyId when your integration user account has authorization for multiple companies.

  • supplierAccountNumber: the supplier account number as known in your ERP system.

The supplierAccountNumber must be set in the Tradecloud connection in the portal, after the connection request has been accepted.

  • forecastNumber: the mandatory forecast identifier in Slimstock. The number must be the same for each supplier forecast from the same generated forecast.

The forecastNumber must not contain whitespace characters.


lines: a forecast contains one or multiple lines. A forecast line contains item information and up to 36 months of demand forecasts for this item.

  • buyerItemNumber: the mandatory item code or number as known in Slimstock and your ERP.

  • buyerItemRevision: the revision (or version) of this item number.

  • buyerItemName: the mandatory item short name.

  • supplierItemNumber: the item code or number as known at the supplier. Required in case of wholesale suppliers.

  • purchaseUnitOfMeasureIso: the purchase unit according to ISO 80000-1, a typical example is PCE.

  • startDate: the date at which the forecasts periods start. Only the month and year of this date are used (day of month is ignored).

  • M0: The forecasted demand for the 0th month, being the month of startDate. Quantity has a decimal 1234.56 format with any number of digits.

  • M1 - M35: The forecasted demands for the consecutive months. Quantity has a decimal 1234.56 format with any number of digits.

buyerItemNumber should be unique within your company and never change. Never renumber or re-use buyerItemNumbers.


  • issueDateTime: Date and time the forecast was originally issued in your forecast or ERP system. DateTime has ISO 8601 local date/time format yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss. See also Standards.

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