Reopen an order

How to request the supplier to reopen an order line

If an order line is confirmed (both parties agreed on the delivery of goods) then the buyer should request to reopen the line. Tradecloud will create a line level reopen workflow task which the supplier can approve, reject or propose an alternative.

When you reissue an order line with the requested delivery schedule or prices NOT equal to the confirmed delivery schedule and prices, Tradecloud will automatically create a reopen workflow task for the supplier. When possible provide the buyer line reasonfield.

You may update an reopen request which is in progress, by updating an order line again.

pageUpdate an existing order

This is a request to the supplier to reopen an already confirmed order line.

The supplier has to approve the reopen request before Tradecloud accepts it.

You cannot reopen a Completed or Cancelled line

An order line having process status Confirmed will become InProgress

Last updated