Setting up the webhook

Setting up the webhook at the customer side

To receive a webhook trigger you will need:

  • A simple web service reachable from the internet, which listens to some URL.

  • The web service should support SSL only and you will need a SSL certificate.

  • The web service should be configured to use TLS v1.2 or v1.3.

  • Self-signed certificates are NOT supported.

  • The web service should support basic authentication or a static bearer token.

  • The supported HTTP method should be either POST or GET.

You can test the security level of your certificate at SSL Labs

Setting up the POST order webhook

Your webhook must implement the POST order webhook OpenAPI specifications:

  • Use the orderEvent field when using the native delivery schedule.

  • Use the simpleOrderEvent field when using the simple delivery schedule.

  • Use the orderDocumentsEvent field when using order documents events.

See the API manual to read about the native versus the simple delivery schedule.

An orderEvent or simpleOrderEvent will only contain the order lines affected by the event.

When using the orderDocumentsEvent field, you must download the document as the document content is not embedded in the event itself.

Setting up the POST shipment webhook

Your webhook must implement the POST shipment webhook OpenAPI specifications:

THe shipment even will contain all the lines and documents. You can filter new/changed lines and documents based on the lastUpdatedAt fields.

When using a documents field, you must download the document as the document content is not embedded in the event itself.

Setting up the GET order webhook

Your webhook must implement the GET order webhook OpenAPI specification:

You must fetch the actual order according to the GET order OpenAPI specification:

The order will contain all the lines. You can filter new/changed order lines based on the lastUpdatedAt fields.

Setting up the GET shipment webhook

Your webhook must implement the GET order webhook OpenAPI specification:

You must fetch the actual shipment according to the GET shipment OpenAPI specification:

The shipment will contain all the lines. You can filter new/changed shipment lines and documents based on the lastUpdatedAt fields.

Next: configure the webhook

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