Order Events

When using the order webhook you may configure and receive below order events.

Order is issued or updated by buyer

The buyer can issue new order lines or update existing issued lines.

If confirmed delivery schedule or prices are updated, this will become a reopen request.

OrderEventWebhook Configuration


New order is issued by the buyer


Additional order lines are added by the buyer


Updated order lines are reissued by the buyer


Order and line fields other than prices & delivery schedules are updated by the buyer

Order confirmed by supplier or buyer

The supplier can either accept, reject or propose an alternative.

  • Accepted means that the supplier confirmed the order line(s) as requested by the buyer.

  • Rejected means that the supplier cannot deliver the order line(s) at all.

  • Confirmed means that the supplier confirmed the order line(s) with other values as requested by the buyer and Auto Confirm has been enabled by the buyer.

OrderEventWebhook Configuration


Order lines are accepted by the supplier


Order lines are rejected by the supplier


Order lines are confirmed by the supplier with other values as requested by the buyer

Order proposal by supplier

The supplier can propose an alternative delivery schedule or prices.

The buyer either approves or rejects the proposal.

OrderEventWebhook Configuration


Order changes are proposed by the supplier


By order changes that were proposed by the supplier are approved by the buyer


By order changes that were proposed by the supplier are rejected by the buyer

Order updated by supplier

The supplier can update existing order lines.

If delivery schedule or prices are updated this will become either a proposal or reopen request.

OrderEventWebhook Configuration


Order and line fields other than prices & delivery schedules are updated by the supplier


Order lines item details are changed by the supplier

Order reopen request by buyer

The buyer can request to reopen confirmed order lines.

The supplier can either approve or reject the reopen request.

OrderEventWebhook Configuration


Order lines reopen is requested by the buyer


Buyer reopen request is approved by the supplier


Buyer reopen request is rejected by the supplier

Order reopen request by supplier

The supplier can request to reopen confirmed order lines.

The buyer can either approve or reject the reopen request.

OrderEventWebhook Configuration


Order lines reopen is requested by the supplier


Supplier reopen request is approved by the buyer


Supplier reopen request is rejected by the buyer

Order lines cancelled by buyer

The buyer can cancel and revert cancellation of order lines.

OrderEventWebhook Configuration


Order lines are cancelled by the buyer


Cancelled order lines are reverted by the buyer

Order lines completed by buyer

The buyer can complete and revert completion of order lines.

OrderEventWebhook Configuration


Order lines are completed by the buyer


Completed order lines are reverted by the buyer

Order lines logistics

Both buyer and supplier can update delivery schedule logistics fields status, etd and eta

OrderEventWebhook Configuration


Delivery schedule logistics fields are updated by the buyer


Delivery schedule logistics fields are updated by the supplier

Order contacts

Both buyer and supplier can reassign their order contact.

OrderEventWebhook Configuration


Buyer order contacts are reassigned in the portal


Supplier order contacts are reassigned in the portal


Buyer and supplier can resend order lines to their ERP system.

Order lines can be synced from the tradecloud legacy platform to the the Tradecloud One platform.

OrderEventWebhook Configuration


The order is manually resent by the buyer


The order is manually resent by the supplier


The order is synced from the legacy platform

Last updated